I discovered a typographer called Thuy Mat Tit and immediately fell in love with his work!
This first project is called “Whispered Garden Alphabets” and failing to find much information about Thuy, I’m just going to talk about what I like most about this type. Firstly, the tiny detail of each design I find fascinating, and I could literally spend hours looking at each individual design in each letter. Furthermore, the strong san-serif structure of the type contrasted with the elegance of the “nature” design works really well together.
The second piece of work of his I love is called “Be Brave”. I actually found a quote he made when creating them: “In my life, sometimes I really need to be encouraged that: ” Be brave, honey”. So I made this typography to cheer myself and everyone who need to be. BE BRAVE and everything gonna be fine.”
I LOVE this quote. Inspirational. The type? Gorgeous! The ribbon like swirls and flamboyant curves and folds look so elegant yet so effective.