Proposed Idea for Project Two

After finally defeating my blank mind, I have an idea!

For this project I will be creating an informative website, which will also have an app, and an advertisement poster for the website. The website will be called “Historic Figures” and will hold information about famous figures from our past including a gallery of images, timeline of their lives, facts and figures about them, and a short bibliography about them. The website allows the audience to have their own “page” where they can bookmark figures and create a scrapbook of information they want to remember. There will be discussion boards so users can chat to other users and they will also be able to share links via Facebook, Twitter, blogs and other social media’s.

Linking back to Albert Einstein’s theory….

The pages of the apps I will be focusing on will be Einstein; a page with an overview of why he is so historic, a page with a timeline of his life (as an infographic), and a page of his famous quotes (also as an infographic) which when you hover over them with your curser it will reveal more information relating to that particular quote.

Typography design – Experiment #1

So, as my first attempt at my typography sculpture I chose the word “love” as when seen most in signs or slogans etc it is most commonly written in a serif font to represent its meaning. I began by sketching out the different fonts I wanted to use, and sketched the added wires and flowers I had planned on top.


And then the creation began. I used three or four wires at a time and twisted them in a irregular pattern and shaped them into the letters. I thought it would be easier if the letters were joined so then the wire could just be continuous… I then ran out of wire. Despite this, I added a couple of flowers to what I had of the word “love” to see if they worked well with the wire, and I loved the finished product!

As a first draft idea, I was pretty happy with my end result! However I wanted to change my idea so I had more letters for my final piece, with a variety of upper case and lower case to show my type design clearly. I searched through Google short quotes and sayings and discovered the quote I want to use, “Beautiful Chaos”. I also wanted to add more materials to my sculpture so I am on the hunt for ideas of metal/wiring I can use.