Front and Back Cover designs

This is the first front cover I created, blocking out my title and main character positions.

I hated it.

Front Cover Devel 4


I wanted my title to be bigger, more obvious and more interesting, so I came up with this:

front cover update


Much better! However I wanted it to appear so that the Bee was leaning on the text and that is why it is slanted, so I altered my little character a little.

front cover update 2


My next thought was adding colour so I experimented with a few:

My favourite was the blue colour, however I still wasn’t thrilled with the design but I had hit a block and couldn’t think of any genius ideas. I decided to move on to my back cover whilst I think.

back cov

My back cover design came straight to me and I loved it. Not what I had planned in my storyboard but much better. The small details of the bees does not take the distraction away from the synopsis in the centre.

I then decided the small bees could be a theme and run on my front and back cover, which ultimately will be adding detail to my front cover and not look like too much.

font cov


I think I still need to spend some time playing around with the angles and positions of the bees however this design is much better than my original.

Front Cover Development

I have began working on my front cover, following my plan ideas in my storyboard.

I began with my central image of my main character. I have chosen this bee sketch that i scanned in.

Front Cover Devel 1

I removed the white from the background, duplicated the layer and flipped the layer horizontally to make the left side of the body.

Front Cover Devel 2

The outline needed a thin layer over the top to make it stand out more, and then I began colouring in the body on a layer underneath the outline – as shown in my workshop.

Front Cover Devel 3


I then placed in my title (temporary font and colour until I have decided on my type) and a shadow underneath the bee. I like the simplicity of my front cover at the moment and I think the plain white background is working better than a block colour, however I may add a faded background like I did for my first page but a green colour for the floor rather than blue for the sky.

Front Cover Devel 4